Corn Maze and General Farm Rules
Many, many hours of hard work have gone into creating the maze for you. Please help us preserve and take care of the corn maze for future visitors by observing these rules.
The maze is a “living” puzzle and cannot be repaired during the season. Anyone not following the rules will be asked to leave the property along with their group without a refund.
Remember this is a working farm and these rules are important to keeping us in business. Go over these rules with your group as they are strictly enforced!
The lines on the maps are the paths, stay on them. For everyone’s safety running is not permitted – besides, you will need to conserve your energy to complete the maze!
No shortcuts between the paths, cutting through the rows of corn will damage the maze and it will not grow back. Strictly enforced!
Do not pick or damage the corn plants. The corn is a crop that will be combined (harvested) when maze season is over. Leave all corn in the maze.
Carry out only what you carry in. For your convenience we have trash containers located near the entrance/exits.
Do not throw corn or other objects in the maze.
Strollers and wagons are permitted in the maze and on the property. Other wheels, i.e. bicycles, skateboards are not permitted.
For everyone’s safety, no smoking or open flames anywhere on the farm. This includes e-cigarettes.
No inappropriate behavior or profanity, remember the corn stalks have ears!
No pets, leashed or unleashed.
No bare feet.
No alcohol, drugs or anyone currently under the influence.
While we respect your right to conceal and carry, no weapons…real or toy are allowed, this includes light sabers, swords, etc.
The flying of drones is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the owners.
Children under 16 must be accompanied in the maze by an adult. Unaccompanied children will be assisted out of the maze to wait for their adult at the exit.
Rough Play is not permitted. All Play Area and Farm Rules must be followed.
Last entry to maze is as posted. We reserve the right to close any section of the maze at any time.
There is a fine for damage or vandalism.
Our goal is to create a fun and safe environment for everyone.
Anyone not following the rules will be asked to leave the property without a refund.
Please be courteous to others and let a member of our staff know if you see a problem.